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发布日期:2024-03-31 作者: 来源: 点击数:

主题:Cement and Concrete as a Carbon Sink: the Journey of the Concrete Sector to Carbon Neutrality

报告人:周向明 教授


地点:结构楼四楼 建工系会议室 东420

邀请人:杨贞军 教授


Cement is the largest manufactured material in the world by mass. It can be made from locally available raw materials almost across every corner of the globe. However, it is widely regarded that the current mainstream cement and concrete production is associated with 8% of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Therefore, there is a great need to decarbonize cement and concrete. The current trend focuses on negating or even absorbing emissions during cement and concrete production, curing and usage. In this talk, the recent research on the carbonation of cement and concrete is introduced to not only absorb carbon but also enhance their engineering properties and durability.


Xiangming Zhou(周向明)教授现担任英国伦敦Brunel大学土木与环境工程系讲座教授、系主任,长期从事研发具有碳捕捉、利用和储存的新型绿色环保水泥基建筑材料,以及建筑和尾矿废弃物回收再利用、低碳高能效建筑结构构件以及建筑结构的模块化和数字化建造技术、纳米改性混凝土、混凝土断裂力学、水泥基材料流变性以及数值模拟、韧性建筑材料与结构工程等方面的研究。主持了近20项英国、欧盟(第七期科研框架计划、地平线2020、地平线欧洲)、英中以及英国-印度科研项目,作为项目主持人获得总经费1000万英镑。周教授发表SCI论文120篇,英文专著两部,获教育部自然科学奖一等奖一项,担任欧盟地平线2020、地平线欧洲、英国工程与自然科学研究基金委、欧洲科学基金委、香港研究资助局、挪威科学基金、塞浦路斯科学与创新基金委,瑞士科学基金委、英国皇家学会、英国文化学会、英国香港裘槎基金会等科研项目函评和会评专家以及项目中期进展和结题评估专家等。